Submit Environment

After you’ve created a custom environment for Windows Mixed Reality and saved it in GLB format, test it by installing it on your PC (in SkySpaces, click on “Advanced” and use the “Add” function in the panel on the left). Then open the Mixed Reality Portal, tap on “Places” in the Start menu, and select your new environment.

Once you’ve tested your new environment, upload it below to add it to the SkySpaces gallery.



    Required; if you'd like it listed differently in the gallery listing, indicate that in the Comments field below

    Required; this will not be posted in the gallery profile

    Optional; you can provide a website or social media URL, for the gallery profile

    Must be in GLB format; max 256 MB

    Must be in JPG/PNG format; max 20 MB total

    Any notes, questions, or feedback?

           (accessible here)

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